Lily’s English: Creative Writing – Bird Emotion – Writing

Quarantine Work

Term 2 – Week 5

Monday 11th of May 2020

Wednesday 13th of May 2020

Thursday 14th of May 2020

Friday 15th of May 2020

Symbol: Kea

Representing Emotion: Successful, Positive, Archives, 

500-700 Words

I sat on a wooden bench high in the Southern Alps indulging in the thought of going to Otago University. Keas gilding around me spreading their wings as they showed off their gorgeous red, orange, yellow and blues. The township of Wanaka was nestled in the severe mountains below me. Surrounding Wanaka were crystal clear lakes and rivers. What a place to be. The 360 views were picture perfect. The sun shone brightly glistening off the white blanket of snow. 

Keas squealed which filled the atmosphere echoing off the mountain tops. Their inquisitive eyes peered at me as they were perched on the ledge of a boulder. Their brown delicate feathers draped over their short chubby little body. Their rounded tummy and head bobbed up and down as they hopped. Iridescent blues beamed through the browns shimmering off the sunlight. The colours of the Keas inspired me every time I saw them. To me the kea represented pride and success. Being around them made me feel like I had accomplished something. The dreams of me studying at Otago Uni was all that flowed through my mind. The sight of the keas could allow me to visualize it all happening. These were the moments I treasured. 

I parked myself at my desk buzzing with excitement. Computer placed in front of me with all resources open and ready. The document was spread across my page glowing at me like a spot light. Doing this meant a lot to me, so getting it right was crucial. As I began to type the stress kicked in. Nerves circled my body doing loop de loops like a roller coaster.  Staring at fancy stylish lettering lined the page causing my fingers to wobble as the keyboard went tap tap tap. It was like the sound of the keas walking along a tin roof. As there long claws picking at anything loose. Questions and statements one after another tumbled down the paper like snow cookies rolling down the mountain. Hours later the green of the submit button sparkled like an emerald. As I clicked it the sensation whirled, wizzed and wholipped through my body. I had officially applied for Otago University. 

Two more days! A letter coming from Otago is so close to my house. It feels like success is drawing closer every second like the keas swooping in for more scrumptious food every time a backpack is left out. This could be the most exciting or sorrowful day in my life. I have worked ever so hard for years and years of schooling. I don’t know what I would do if the paper says anything like “sorry you have not been accepted.” That will be heartbreaking. Just like the thought of Keas being extinct. I was reminiscing on the wooden bench as I watched the keas soar high in the cloudless sky. The beauty of success for me was all shown in the kea. As they soared high reaching and accomplishing goals, enclosed by the extraordinary mountains and environment. I sat surprising relaxingly on the bench towering over Wanaka. 

As I waited eager for the mailman to arrive my mind always travelled back to the thought of the keas and scenery. I had gotten up bright and early in case of any letter. As I heard footsteps edging towards the house I leapt up and raced to the front door. There on the grey paving stones was a letter neatly placed on the ground addressed to me. I waved goodbye to the mailman as his motorbike engine reved up and he drove off. The untouched smooth and future filled like paper was in the palms of my hands. As I peeled the sticky seal off butterflies began to brew in my tummy. The best words were fixed on the page and I bounced up and down in the living room full of happiness. A smile was plastered across my face as happy as a kid in a candy store. This was my alternate sweat sensation though. As I read through the letter the thought of me leaving Wanaka was bitter. My love for Wanaka and the environment around it was going to be utterly missed in the dull Dunedin city. I adored the kea so much that it was my inspiration for me the whole way through this application experience. The future ahead of me was exciting. 

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